Serving the Pacific Northwest, Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska.

VX130 Multi-Diagnostic Anterior Segment Analyzer
Complete Visual Analysis in Around 90 Seconds
The VX130 is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art instrument that combines technologies never before seen in a single instrument (Scheimpflug tomography, Shack-Hartmann wavefront aberrometry, and Placido ring corneal topography) and provides essential data for an improved treatment of patients.
Anterior and Posterior Corneal Tomography
The VX130 offers complete analysis of the anterior and posterior surface of the corneal, making it ideal for keratoconus and Ectasia screening and monitoring.
Fully Automatic 3D Alignment, Tracking, and Focusing
The VX130 is completely automated, requiring very little input from the operator. After the measurement process begins, the unit will align, track, focus, and automatically take measurements with high accuracy, reliability, and speed.